

Intraday cash segment we will provide recommendations suit to clients with low-risk appetite. They can expect the movement of 1% - 2% in stocks in cash and traded quantity as per their choice.

To whom is it suitable to ?

Intraday traders where capital doesn’t matter and quantity as per their choice.
Who is afraid to derivative trading and its volatility.
Trader with low risk appetite choose this pack .
Trading tips given via Web login / App
Traders in nature as defensive and moderate choose this pack.

Quality Features:

80-90% intraday calls.
Daily 1-2 calls (May increase as per market condition that time)
Max open position may be varying time to time.
Historical accuracy till date near 70-75%.
Recommendations, are provided through Telegram. /web login (We are working on it) (Kindly note that only above mention source are valid and authorized.
All others are not authorized in any way even your RM recommendations including new strike, level, differ SL, Modified SL, hold in loosing positions and all which are against the authorized recommendations.)
Dedicated RM for your support not for any research recommendation.

Sample Calls:

Recommendation: Buy SBIN 515-510 SL 507 TG 524-538
Partial Profit Booking: SBIN 520 Book part modify SL to Cost
Full Profit Booking: 524 TG hit book full profits


Price Details

1 Month – Rs. 7000 + GST - Buy Now
3 Month – Rs. 15000 + GST - Buy Now
6 Month – Rs. 25000 + GST - Buy Now
1 Year – Rs. 40000 + GST - Buy Now
Call / Mail to... +91 9930 9364 08